Health · Podiatrist

How Podiatrists Treat Sport Injuries?

Sportsmen are at high risk of injuries especially involving the lower legs, feet, and ankles. The sad part is sportsmen do not suspend physical activities after an injury to recover. It means that if sportsmen do not overuse injuries there might not be any need for surgery because non-invasive treatments work. Since I am a lover of sports I visited a sports injury clinic near me to get a sport injury doctors near me. Injuries might occur when you exercise or play sports. Some common injuries that sports injury treatment Houston deal with include Achilles tendon injuries, dislocations, strains, sprains, and fractures.

A podiatry assessment in a sports injury clinic near me by a doctor sports injury shows that two key factors cause lower limb injuries. One is foot biomechanics which involves how the foot moves and the ability of the foot to move. The podiatrist assesses the movements that contribute to injury of the foot and identifies the underlying movement pattern at the root of the problem. The foot doctor modifies footwear, orthotics, and conditioning programs. Secondly, mismanaged training loads can also cause sports injuries. Develop a training program to maximize results in sporting. Identify recent changes in your training or sporting activities that might contribute to sports injury. You need a program that increases the training load gradually.

Some ways that the podiatrist can help treat sports injuries include

  1. Immobilization includes reducing movements to prevent further damage to the feet. Immobilization reduces muscle spasms, swelling, and pain. Sport injury doctors near me might use devices such as splints to immobilize the injured foot, leg, or ankle as you heal. When the inflammation goes down a full cast can be applied.
  2. Physical therapy and therapeutic exercises are used to treat sports injuries. The treatment is hands-on and gradually strengthens the muscles. Physical therapy is important and stretching exercises can be done daily to prevent injuries. A podiatrist might use ultrasound and stimulation to reduce pain and maintain and restore muscle function and joint. Physical therapy prevents pain from coming back.
  3. Steroid injections work fast to reduce pain and swelling. The steroid injections treat sports injuries by numbing. The injections are given by podiatrists.
  4. Surgical procedures are recommended for severe symptoms; however, most sports injuries do not require surgical treatment. Severe injuries like badly broken bones require surgical treatment that will fix the bones.
  5. Proper fitting shoes will allow the sportsman to perform to the best level to offer protect the feet and offer support. The shoes need to be professionally fitted because the problem could be your shoes. The podiatrist examines the foot shape and dynamics to ensure you have the best shoes or create custom orthotics to correct underlying problems. whenever you buy new shoes take them for assessment on their effectiveness.

The first aid for any injury is icing and resting. Apply ice to the areas several times a day for 20 minutes each time to reduce swelling and pain.