
Plantar Fasciitis and Family History: Is There a Genetic Connection?

Plantar fasciitis is not considered a genetic condition. However, genetic influence on plantar fascia plays a role in increasing susceptibility to developing plantar fasciitis. Factors related to foot structure and foot bio mechanics run in families and increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis. A family with foot characteristics, such as high arches or flat feet, has a challenge with weight distribution across the foot. These biomechanical factors contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis due to added strain on the plantar fascia.

Inherited foot conditions are just a piece of the puzzle when it comes to plantar fasciitis. Lifestyle factors, such as activity level, footwear choices, and overall foot health practices, also play a significant role in the development of the condition.For example, a family history of foot musculoskeletal issues has a likelihood of developing plantar fasciitis, but this does not mean that the condition is determined by genetics.

The exact causes of plantar fasciitis are not fully known but it is a combination of factors, including biomechanical issues (such as foot structure and gait abnormalities), lifestyle factors (such as physical activity level and footwear choices), and repetitive strain on the plantar fascia (the tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes).

If you are concerned about the risk of developing plantar fasciitis due to a family history of foot problems, focus on maintaining good foot health through proper footwear, maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, and seeking medical attention if you start to experience symptoms of plantar fasciitis.Do not suffer in silence: Request a consultation with our Houston podiatrists at DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center and start feeling better today!

Plantar fasciitis results from inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes.

Factors that contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis:

  • Biomechanical Factors:Foot mechanics, such as high arches or flat feet, place extra stress on the plantar fascia, leading to inflammation and pain. Abnormal gait patterns or poor alignment of the feet while walking or running also contribute.
  • Overuse or Repetitive Strain: Engaging in activities that involve repetitive impact on the feet, such as running, jumping, or standing for long periods, can lead to microtears in the plantar fascia causing inflammation and pain.
  • Improper Footwear: Wearing shoes that lack proper arch support, or cushioning, or do not fit well increases the risk of plantar fasciitis. Shoes with inadequate support strain the plantar fascia and exacerbate the condition.
  • Sudden Increase in Physical Activity: Rapidly increasing the intensity, duration, or frequency of physical activities, particularly those that put stress on the feet, can overwhelm the plantar fascia and lead to inflammation.
  • Age:It is common in individuals between the ages of 40 and 60. As people age, the plantar fascia tends to lose some of its elasticity and becomes prone to injury.
  • Obesity: Excess body weight places additional stress on the feet and the plantar fascia, increasing the risk of inflammation and pain.


Ingrown Toenail Removal & Treatment

When the toenail starts growing into the skin, it is known as an ingrown toenail. It usually happens to the big toe and if you do not the fix ingrown toenail, it can swell, become red, and be painful. In severe cases, it drains pus and the skin around the nail becomes tender making running and walking uncomfortable, especially in closed shoes.

An injury to the nail, cutting the toenail too short, wearing close-fitting narrow shoes that squeeze the toes together, poor foot hygiene, curving your toenails, and some sports such as skiing can all cause ingrown toenails.

Ingrown toenails treatment with Epsom salt?

Soaking your toe in a warm foot bath with Epsom salts soothes and heals an ingrown toenail. In a shallow container, add a ratio of two tablespoons to every quart of warm water. Soak the toe for 15 minutes and if the toenail is severe soak several times a day. Dry the foot after soaking and apply antibiotic cream to ease the infection. Epsom salt draws pus out of the toenail and eases discomfort. It loosens the skin and pulls it away from the ingrown toenail Houston.

Ingrown toenail removal

If severely infected and does not resolve with other home care or over-the-counter treatments, seek podiatric care. If you have poor blood flow or diabetes know that foot problems can escalate so you need a checkup as soon as possible. Ingrown toenail removal is considered in cases where the ingrown toenail is painful and infected. A minor surgical procedure can be done to remove the ingrown toenail. The procedure begins with the ingrown toenail doctor numbing the toe that sets in within 10 seconds. The podiatrist cuts the bit of the nail growing into the skin. A portion of the nail may be removed and in rare and severe cases the entire toenail is removed. Sometimes the podiatrist might destroy the margin of the ingrown significantly to prevent future ingrown toenails without altering the appearance of the toenail.

Aftertoenail removal surgery, alleviate the discomfort. Soak the foot in warm soapy water and Epsom salt once in a while. The toenail should be submerged for about 7 minutes during each soak. Avoid soaking using absorbent dressings. Wear sandals or comfortable shoes that will not press on your toes during the recovery. Use an antibiotic ointment on the toe and cover it with a bandage when you are out and about. A bandage acts like a protector over the wound while absorbing the drainage from time to time. If the bandage is filled with blood or fluid replace it.  From time to time remove the bandage to air out whenever convenient for about 30 minutes but keep it on for about a week. Take pain relievers when the toe feels sole and if it is not effective seek further medical care.

If you are looking for some expert advice on ingrown toenail treatment, you may want to seek help from a Houston podiatrist. Feel free to contact our office to make an appointment for your ingrown toenail problems. Our foot specialist, Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale can provide you with the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet

Follow the doctor’s aftercare instructions to allow the toenail to heal without much discomfort. Within a few days. you should be able to resume normal activities without restrictions.

Health · Podiatrist

How Podiatrists Treat Sport Injuries?

Sportsmen are at high risk of injuries especially involving the lower legs, feet, and ankles. The sad part is sportsmen do not suspend physical activities after an injury to recover. It means that if sportsmen do not overuse injuries there might not be any need for surgery because non-invasive treatments work. Since I am a lover of sports I visited a sports injury clinic near me to get a sport injury doctors near me. Injuries might occur when you exercise or play sports. Some common injuries that sports injury treatment Houston deal with include Achilles tendon injuries, dislocations, strains, sprains, and fractures.

A podiatry assessment in a sports injury clinic near me by a doctor sports injury shows that two key factors cause lower limb injuries. One is foot biomechanics which involves how the foot moves and the ability of the foot to move. The podiatrist assesses the movements that contribute to injury of the foot and identifies the underlying movement pattern at the root of the problem. The foot doctor modifies footwear, orthotics, and conditioning programs. Secondly, mismanaged training loads can also cause sports injuries. Develop a training program to maximize results in sporting. Identify recent changes in your training or sporting activities that might contribute to sports injury. You need a program that increases the training load gradually.

Some ways that the podiatrist can help treat sports injuries include

  1. Immobilization includes reducing movements to prevent further damage to the feet. Immobilization reduces muscle spasms, swelling, and pain. Sport injury doctors near me might use devices such as splints to immobilize the injured foot, leg, or ankle as you heal. When the inflammation goes down a full cast can be applied.
  2. Physical therapy and therapeutic exercises are used to treat sports injuries. The treatment is hands-on and gradually strengthens the muscles. Physical therapy is important and stretching exercises can be done daily to prevent injuries. A podiatrist might use ultrasound and stimulation to reduce pain and maintain and restore muscle function and joint. Physical therapy prevents pain from coming back.
  3. Steroid injections work fast to reduce pain and swelling. The steroid injections treat sports injuries by numbing. The injections are given by podiatrists.
  4. Surgical procedures are recommended for severe symptoms; however, most sports injuries do not require surgical treatment. Severe injuries like badly broken bones require surgical treatment that will fix the bones.
  5. Proper fitting shoes will allow the sportsman to perform to the best level to offer protect the feet and offer support. The shoes need to be professionally fitted because the problem could be your shoes. The podiatrist examines the foot shape and dynamics to ensure you have the best shoes or create custom orthotics to correct underlying problems. whenever you buy new shoes take them for assessment on their effectiveness.

The first aid for any injury is icing and resting. Apply ice to the areas several times a day for 20 minutes each time to reduce swelling and pain.

Health · Podiatrist

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Once and For All

Toenail fungus is challenging to treat, visit your podiatrist to make it easier for toe fungus treatment Houston. The treatment and self-care strategies will help treat the toenail fungus by its severity.  While exploring how to remove a toenail fungus may take a long time before one sees the results, your podiatrist is the best bet to speed the process. It does not mean that you should not treat the infected toenails, treat them to avoid more serious infections. The fungal infection happens when mold or yeast type of fungus gets into the nail from a break or a cut. Once the nail plate is infected, it takes time to clear until a new nail grows out. However, it is not automatic that a new nail will grow healthy and without infections, so you need to seek treatment so the fungal infection clears out.

If you have toenail fungus, you wish it clears fast and without recurrence. Several treatments that will help get rid of the toenail fungus include:

  1. Trim the toenails and use medication. The Houston podiatrist periodically trims the nail to allow the medication to work better. Infected nails get thick such that they become difficult to trim by yourself.
  2. Prescribed topical medications used as nail polish. The podiatrist prescribes these topical medications that must be used every day for 48 weeks. It means you will not use regular nail polish for the time you are using this treatment.
  3. Oral medications that are taken daily for up to three months. Studies have identified this treatment option as 70 percent effective but it can affect your liver as part of its side effects. It is best to allow a podiatrist to prescribe these medications because most cannot be used with other medications such as cholesterol medication.
  4. Nail removal partially or completely is a form of treatment. Your health care provider might advise on either or you can choose whichever works best for you. You can have the nail removed permanently so that it never grows back on. Removing the nail partially gets rid of the infected areas of the toenail leaving room for the growth of a new healthy toenail. Take precautionary measures so the nail does not grow back infected.
  5. Laser treatments can be expensive and the insurance companies do not cover them. Further research is needed to determine that lasers provide effective and safe treatment for toenail fungus.
  6. Home remedies have not been proven and they take longer to get rid of the fungal infections. Some patients also choose not to do anything to the infected toenails and just wait for the infected toenail to outgrow. However, it is not guaranteed that the new toenail will not be infected. There are simple home remedies that will prevent reoccurrence and new infections. You need to throw away old shoes, keep your feet clean, visit a clean nail salon for your pedicure, and avoid walking barefoot, especially in public places. These will help prevent new cases of fungal infection from your toenails.

What A Diabetic Wound Specialist Does to Treat Diabetic Chronic Wounds

Diabetes impacts a patient’s blood and leads to complications including diabetic wounds. Statistics show that a diabetic patient in the world losses a lower limb because of diabetic chronic wounds. Before losing a limb, the problem starts as an ulcer or wound that refuses to heal properly. With the help of a Houston wound care specialist, it is possible to save the loss of a limb because there is no such thing as a minor wound for diabetic patients. Houston diabetic foot ulcer specialist is an integral part of your health care team alongside your primary care physician and endocrinologist. It is estimated that more than 30 percent of adults who suffer from diabetes, develop a foot ulcer in their lifetime that sometimes leads to amputation. Prevention, intervention, and special wound care decrease the chance of wound infection and amputation.

Diabetic wound specialist uses a specialized approach to get the best possible outcome from diabetic wound care.

  1. They offer careful attention to the complex nature of diabetic wounds as different patients react differently to the wounds and treatments. The body has a hard time healing wounds and when not managed, it may pose a dangerous risk. The blood glucose fluctuations may cause minor wounds that are risky for diabetic patients. If not treated carefully the wound may cause weakened skin barriers, nerve damage, poor circulation, and decreased feeling in your feet. All this complicates the wound healing and it may progress to ulceration and other complications. A diabetic wound specialist tackles challenges and the complex nature of diabetic wounds.
  2. Avoid serious repercussions of diabetic wounds. It is difficult to heal diabetic wounds they have a complication and leave opportunities for infections. When left untreated a wound infection can spread and lead to muscle and bone infection and if it spreads to the blood it can lead to untimely death. A specialist can detect and intercede the problems to avoid pain, amputation, and death which are real concerns for diabetic patients.
  3. All wounds are different therefore they require different treatment protocols. What works for one patient may not work for another. A Houston diabetic wound care specialist develops a personalized plan. An aggressive and specialized approach includes the following steps
    • Wound assessment to determine the cause of the wound such as neuropathic (nerves) or ischemic (blood flow) or both of them neuro-ischemic.
    • Remove dead tissue (tissue debridement).
    • Aggressive infection control through oral and topical antibiotics.
    • Maintain proper moisture regulation during healing; moisture balance.
    • Treating of underlying factors such as nutrition and blood glucose levels. Disease management because uncontrolled blood sugar levels impair the white blood cells that are crucial for the healing process.
  4. Houston foot specialists have comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of assessing and treating wounds. They have techniques that promote diabetic wound healing and prevent complications. They have access to advanced technology that supports recovery such as oxygen therapy, skin grafts, and wound vac therapy. Diabetic wound specialists have specialized expertise and comprehensive wound care services to help with diabetic wound care treatment.

Houston Geriatric Foot Care: Looking for Elderly Foot Care Service?

Foot problems in the elderly are common from various causes. Some factors that contribute to elderly problems such as balance and mobility, can be improved by maintaining comfortable and healthy feet. The feet also lose cushioning and the nails and skin grow brittle and dry. Consulting elderly foot care services near me will be fundamental for foot mobility and comfort every day. Houston Geriatric Foot Care has evolved with time and healthcare settings provide elderly nail care services near me with suitable equipment. Some problems affecting elderly feet health include poor blood supply, skin breakdown, calluses, bone disease, infection, and thickened ingrown toenails.

Foot care that helps seniors stay mobile and balanced

The fatty padding wears out overtime and the feet flatten then become wide. It leaves the joints and bones of the feet more exposed to tear and wear. A simple blister can impair the function of the feet, balance, and mobility. Skin breaks, sprains, and injuries can cause serious problems and affect older adults’ well-being and health.

  • Monitor wounds ad injuries

Older adults spend time in bed or on a chair causing wounds. The common location of the bedsores is on the heels as a result of spending most of the time in bed and or on a chair resting. Having feet on the mattress, pillow, or footstool can result to pressure on the skin leading to tissue breakdown. Float the heels to prop the ankles to suspend the feet.

  • Get proper fitting footwear

In the elderly, the health of the feet comes down to footwear. Too big or too small shoes impact the comfort levels because one can develop foot ailments that impair mobility and cause blisters. Comfortable shoes should support the arch and be comfortable.

  • Address pain

The feet are the first to show signs of diabetic neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, and arthritis. If one experiences inflammation, pain, tingling, numbness, or stiffness get a podiatrist to examine them. Catching these signs in older adults can prevent medical complications.

  • Promote circulation

The elderly might experience chronic illnesses that reduce circulation to the lower extremities. The poor circulation causes slow healing of injuries and foot sores. Diseases like diabetes, peripheral disease, and others that affect circulation contribute to the development of blood clots. Improve circulation by giving foot massages and elevating the feet when resting. If you spend too much time resting, ensure you walk around and perform exercises that will improve circulation. Additionally, avoid tight socks or sitting with legs crossed for long. Avoid tobacco because it narrows the arteries that hinder blood flow.

  • Get medical attention when needed

Hammertoes, bunions, calluses, and discolored toenails may seem harmless but in older people, harmful developments are likely to occur. Visit a podiatrist for evaluation and immediate treatment plan. Conservative measures such as ankle braces, orthotic aids, bunion pads, and toe separators. A podiatrist might also recommend topically treating any nail or skin condition and updating their footwear.


Flat Foot Treatment

A flat foot has no visible arch when they stand. Arches form during early childhood so, babies have flat feet. The arches may collapse later or may not develop causing pain and affecting the way one walks.  It is a condition where the feet or foot has little or no arch. The pads of the feet are seen pressing into the ground. Problems with flat feet may develop in adulthood or persist after childhood. Before a flat foot treatment, the Houston flat foot specialist will observe the mechanics of your feet from the front to the back. She might also have to look at the wear pattern of your shoe.

Consult a Houston flat foot doctor if you have balance problems, stiff feet, painful feet, sudden flat feet, and difficulty walking due to pain.

Types of flat feet

Flexible: The flexible flat foot is most common because the arches are visible when you are not standing but they disappear as soon as you stand. The flexible flatfoot develops during childhood or in the teen years. Initially, both feet get affected and gradually get worse with age. The ligaments in the arches stretch, swell, and tear.

Rigid: Rigid flatfeet mean there are no arches when standing or sitting. It develops in the teen years and the feet may be painful. This may affect only one foot and it will be difficult to flex the feet up, down, or move side-to-side.

Adult acquired or fallen arch: The adult acquired flat foot occurs unexpectedly when the foot arch collapses or drops. The fallen arch is painful as it causes the foot to turn outward. It may affect one foot caused by a tear or inflammation in the leg tendon that supports the arch.

Vertical talus: It is a birth defect that prevents the arches from forming. The talus bone in the ankle is in the wrong position and the bottom of the foot resembles the bottom of a rocking chair. It is also called the rocker-bottom foot.


People with flat feet do not need treatment but a healthcare provider may recommend nonsurgical treatment for foot stiffness and pain. Treatment interventions include

  1. NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to reduce pain and inflammation.
  2. Rest the foot and ice it.
  3. Physical therapy can also be applied to stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons to improve mobility and flexibility. Flatfeet might contribute to the overuse of the feet causing injuries. A physical therapist will analyze and advise on how to improve your form and technique.
  4. Stretching exercises might be recommended exercises to stretch the tendons if you have a shortened Achilles tendon.
  5. Use supportive devices like foot braces, orthotics, and custom-made shoes. Get your podiatrist to advise you on supportive shoes that will support your feet. Also, custom-designed arch supports can be molded to the contours of your feet. They will reduce the symptoms of pain caused by flatfeet.
  6. Surgery: It cannot be conducted to repair flatfeet but it might be conducted to solve an associated problem such as a tendon rupture or tear.

Hammertoe Treatment Houston

A hammertoe is the abnormal bending of the toe at its middle joint making the toe bend downward-looking like a hammer. The condition is painful and may affect the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments that keep the toe straight. Initially, the hammertoes are flexible but with time they can be fixed by correcting the factors causing the condition. However, waiting too long to seek Hammertoe Treatment Houston means the condition can be permanent until a Houston Hammertoe surgery is performed to correct them. Do not ignore the development of a hammertoe especially by continuing with the routine that caused it, contact the Houston Hammer Toe Specialist to start treatment immediately.

Treating a mild hammertoe

A hammertoe influenced by inappropriate footwear can be treated by first wearing a properly fitting shoe. If the condition was caused by a high arch, shoe inserts, toe pads and insoles can help correct the problem. The toepads shift the position of the toe thereby relieving pain and correcting the appearance of the toe.

  • Switch to roomy, low-heeled footwear.
  • Exercise such as picking marbles could be of help.
  • Manually stretch the toes several times a day.
  • A cortisone injection might be used to relieve the pain.
  • Get a shoe insert that will stop the hammertoe from becoming worse and reduce pain.
  • Over-the-counter foot straps and corn pads will help relieve some pain.

Do not pop blisters on your toes because they can lead to infection and pain. Use cushions and creams that will relieve pain from the blisters and keep them from rubbing against the inside of your shoes.

If the hammertoes are painful and cause deformity on the toes the doctor might opt to surgically remove them. Surgery is done if you are not able to flex your toe and it is used to reposition, remove deformed or injured bone and realign joints and tendons. Hammertoe surgery is an outpatient procedure meaning you get to go home on the same day.

Some procedures include

  1. Arthroplasty – where half of the crooked joint is removed to help the toe straighten.
  2. Arthrodesis – Unlike the above, the entire joint is removed and replaced by a pin or a wire to help to heal.
  3. Tendon transfer – The tendons from under the toe are rerouted to aid the straightening of the toe. The procedure may be done together with other surgeries.
  4. Basal phalangetomy – This is for severe hammertoes that are fixed, where the base of the bones is removed.
  5. Weil osteotomy – Surgical hardware is inserted after the shortening of the metatarsal bone to aid healing.

Hammertoes like any other foot condition can be prevented and wearing proper footwear. Good footwear should not force the feet to unnatural positions so wear low heels. The shoes should have enough toe room and adjustable shoes with straps and laces are the best. The arch support should be proper to prevent several foot ailments.


When to See a Specialist in Arthritis Houston?

If you experience joint discomfort and pain among other symptoms, it might be time to see a specialist in arthritis Houston. Most patients will assume that joint pain is a normal phase of aging that we need to live with, but this is wrong because the pain can affect every aspect of your life. You need to see a specialist because the term arthritis is just an umbrella to more than a hundred diseases and conditions. A specialist diagnosis the type of arthritis you are suffering from,that is the first step to getting the right management and treatment plan. Some kinds of arthritis require prompt response especially if it can permanently cause joint damage the health professional ensure they preserve the joint function to prevent further serious health problems. Infrequent mild joint pains may not require an urgent visit to a specialist in arthritis Houston but it will be a good idea to book an appointment to discuss your joint health and the risks of arthritis.

Arthritis is characterized by inflammation and difficult movementof the joints,and it affects over 300 million people in the world today. While the pain is there most people will try pain relievers and other pain management techniques before realizing that the pain means a more serious condition.

Visit the specialist in arthritis Houston if you see some of these symptoms

  • The joints are warm or red to the touch. 
  • Experience stiffness, pain, and swelling in one or more joints.
  • Joint stiffness or tenderness.
  • Difficulties in doing daily activities or moving a joint.
  • Any other joint symptoms that are of concern.
  • If the joint symptoms last more than three days.
  • If you experience severe joint symptoms severally within a month.
  • If the inflammation affects other body parts besides the joints.
  • If you have another underlying medical condition.
  • If joint discomfort gets worse despite treatment.

After diagnosis, the specialist in arthritis Houston will come up with a plan to manage the condition on a day-to-day basis and a medication plan. The best treatment plan is different for each patient because the specialist will consider the location of the symptoms, any other underlying medical condition, and the severity of the symptoms. In the treatment of arthritis, there might be multiple health care professionals involved who will focus on different sections; one might focus on helping maintain an active lifestyle, another will prevent further damage to the joints and bones and the other will focus on reducing inflammation and pain. If you are overweight, you will be surprised that losing a few pounds will cut the risk of serious osteoarthritis of the knee. A physical therapist will determine the right exercise program for you that will ensure an active lifestyle. Unfortunately, most patients prefer resting the joint pain that weakens and deteriorates the condition further. 40 minutes of exercise is recommended to ease the pains and make the joints flexible. A podiatrist will advise on the need of wearing soft cushiony shoes with extra protective padding.


Podiatry Specialist in Arthritis Houston

Podiatrists work as a team with other professionals to care for people with inflammatory arthritis. Arthritis and joint inflammation are associated with different illnesses and it involves identifiable disorders to the feet and other parts of the body. The feet are most afflicted because they have 33 joints and bear carrying the weight around. Arthritis can be disabling and result in loss of independence and mobility which can be corrected if you visit a specialist in arthritis in Houston early and diagnosis is made.

Arthritis that affect the feet


It is common. It is referred to as wear and tear arthritis or degenerative arthritis because it is caused by wearing away of the cartilage in the joints. Cartilage is a coating that allows smooth gliding of the bones in motion. Prolonged use or injury can result in cartilage damage. This type of arthritis is considered as part of aging that lifestyle adjustments and proper shoe-wear can limit its progression.

Symptoms: It is common among athletes or people who have sustained some injury, symptoms noticed include

  • Pain
  • Stiffness in the morning
  • Limited motion range.
  • Tender joints.

Big toe arthritis

This is often confused with a bunion because it forms a bone spur around the joint. Getting a proper diagnosis done by a foot specialist is important though it is possible to have a bunion and arthritis on the same foot. A bunion surgery might be important to remove the bump from the joint.

Gout arthritis

This is a result of excessive uric acid in the blood that crystallizes in the joints causing pain. A gout attack can be on any joint in the body but most likely affects your feet. A specialist in arthritis Houston helps you prevent a gouty attack by managing your diet and getting proper medication. During a gout episode, it is recommended to visit a foot doctor to rule out other infections. This condition is common among middle-aged men.

Rheumatoid arthritis

It is inflammatory arthritis that can range from mild to severe joint deformity. It can be painful but is not treated by a specialist it can have crippling effects. The joints feel swollen, sore, and stiff with episodes of inflammation and pain. The symptoms affect both feet at the same time and more common in females.


A specialist in arthritis Houston will choose the best treatment that accommodates you. The main goal for the treatment is to improve joint mobility, maintain a healthy weight, alleviate pain, and help you live a healthy life. The foot doctor may combine different treatments such as anti-inflammatory medication, custom orthotics, joint injections, physical therapy, and surgery when it is necessary.

Sometimes you will be needed to alternate warm and cold foot baths to decrease your swelling and a foot massage to increase blood circulation to the foot’s muscles and tendons. steroid injections can also be given to reduce swelling and getting custom shoes helps limit ankle movement.