
Understanding the Impact of Bone Spurs on the Top of Your Foot

Our feet play a crucial role in our daily lives, providing the foundation for our mobility. However, various conditions can affect the intricate structure of the foot, causing discomfort and hindering our ability to move freely. One such condition is the development of bone spurs on the top of the foot, a phenomenon that can significantly impact our overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options associated with bone spurs on the top of the foot, shedding light on how individuals can better understand and manage this often-painful condition.

Understanding Bone Spurs

Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, are bony projections that can develop along the edges of bones. They typically form in response to the natural aging process or due to the wear and tear on joints over time. In the case of the foot, bone spurs may develop on the top of the foot, leading to a range of symptoms that can affect mobility and quality of life.

Causes of Bone Spurs on the Top of the Foot

  1. Osteoarthritis: One of the primary causes of bone spurs on the top of the foot is osteoarthritis. This degenerative joint disease occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joints breaks down, leading to pain, swelling, and the formation of bone spurs.
  2. Trauma or Injury: Foot injuries, such as fractures or ligament tears, can trigger the development of bone spurs as the body attempts to repair the damaged tissue. The presence of bone spurs may exacerbate pain and limit the range of motion in the affected foot.
  3. Tight Shoes or Improper Footwear: Wearing shoes that are too tight or do not provide adequate support can contribute to the formation of bone spurs on the top of the foot. Continuous pressure and friction on the bones can lead to the development of these bony protrusions.

Symptoms Associated with Bone Spurs on the Top of the Foot

  1. Pain and Discomfort: The most common symptom of bone spurs on the top of the foot is persistent pain and discomfort. Individuals may experience sharp or dull pain that worsens with movement or pressure on the affected area.
  2. Swelling and Inflammation: Bone spurs can lead to inflammation in the surrounding tissues, causing visible swelling. This can further contribute to pain and difficulty wearing shoes comfortably.
  3. Limited Range of Motion: As bone spurs progress, they may impede the normal range of motion in the foot. This limitation can impact daily activities such as walking, running, or climbing stairs.

Treatment Options for Bone Spurs on the Top of the Foot

  1. Orthotic Inserts: Custom orthotic inserts can provide additional support and cushioning to alleviate pressure on the foot. These inserts can be fitted into shoes, helping distribute weight more evenly and reducing discomfort.
  2. Proper Footwear: Choosing footwear with proper arch support and a wide toe box can prevent further irritation and contribute to the overall comfort of the foot. Avoiding high heels and shoes that squeeze the toes is essential in managing bone spurs.
  3. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises can strengthen the muscles surrounding the affected foot and improve flexibility. A physical therapist can create a tailored exercise plan to address the specific needs of individuals with bone spurs on the top of the foot.
  4. Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help manage pain and reduce inflammation associated with bone spurs. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using any medication.
  5. Corticosteroid Injections: In some cases, healthcare providers may recommend corticosteroid injections to alleviate pain and inflammation around the bone spur. These injections are administered directly into the affected area.
  6. Surgery: If conservative treatments are ineffective, surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical procedures aim to remove the bone spur and address any underlying issues contributing to its formation.

Read Also: Tips On How to Get Rid of Deep Rooted Corns


Understanding the impact of bone spurs on the top of the foot is crucial for individuals experiencing pain and discomfort in this area. By recognizing the causes, symptoms, and available treatment options, individuals can take proactive steps to manage and alleviate the effects of bone spurs. Whether through lifestyle adjustments, non-invasive treatments, or, in more severe cases, surgical intervention, the goal is to restore mobility and improve the overall quality of life for those affected by this common foot condition. If you suspect you have bone spurs on the top of your foot, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan.


Crackdown Soles of Feet Cracking

Foot cracking is a dermatological concern that refers to the development of fissures or splits in the skin on the feet. It can arise from various factors, including environmental conditions, foot fungal infections like athlete’s foot, chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema, and systemic health issues like diabetes. Dryness, excessive pressure on the feet, and genetic factors contribute to this condition. The discomfort associated with foot cracking ranges from mild irritation to pain. Proper foot hygiene, moisturization, and addressing underlying health conditions are crucial in preventing and managing foot cracking, ensuring optimal foot health.

Potential causes of dryness and feet cracking and ways to address them:

  1. The skin on the soles of your feet may become dry and cracked, especially if not moisturized regularly. Apply a thick moisturizer or foot cream to keep your skin hydrated. Consider using creams that contain urea or glycerin, which help retain moisture.
  2. Dehydration can contribute to dry skin. Drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated, which can benefit the skin on your feet.
  3. Proper foot hygiene is essential. Clean your feet daily, but avoid using harsh soaps that strip away natural oils. After washing, thoroughly dry your feet, paying attention to the spaces between your toes.
  4. Dead skin accumulates on the soles of the feet, leading to cracking. Gently exfoliate your feet using a foot scrub or a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells. Be cautious not to over-exfoliate.


  • Start by soaking your feet in warm water for about 10-15 minutes to soften the skin. It makes it easier to exfoliate with the pumice stone.
  • Use a mild soap or foot cleanser to wash your feet. Gently scrub your feet with a soft brush to remove surface dirt.
  • Pat your feet dry with a towel. Ensure that the feet are completely dry before using the pumice stone.
  • Wet the pumice stone under running water to soften the abrasive texture and prevent it from being harsh on your skin.
  • Hold the pumice stone in your hand and gently rub it over the areas with rough skin, calluses, or dry patches. Use a circular or back-and-forth motion, applying light to moderate pressure to prevent skin irritation.
  • Periodically, rinse your feet to remove the loosened dead skin cells and debris.
  • After using the pumice stone, inspect your feet to see if there are remaining rough areas. If needed, repeat the process until your feet feel smooth.
  • After the exfoliation process, thoroughly dry your feet with a towel.
  • Finish by applying a moisturizer or foot cream to keep your feet hydrated and prevent new dry patches from forming.
  1. Ensure that your shoes provide adequate support and wearing open-toed shoes or sandals can help your feet breathe.
  2. Walking barefoot on hard or rough surfaces can contribute to dry and cracked feet. Wear supportive footwear, even at home.
  3. If you live in a dry climate or during the winter months when indoor heating can reduce humidity, using a humidifier in your living space can keep your skin on your feet from drying out.
  4. Some medical conditions like athlete’s foot, psoriasis, or eczema can cause dry and cracked feet. If your symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

If the soles of your feet cracking are bad or you have diabetes, seek medical intervention from our Houston foot doctor at DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center, as foot issues can lead to complications in individuals with diabetes.


Your Feet: Learn How to Address Abnormal Foot Structure!

Abnormal foot anatomy refers to structural variations or deformities in the feet that deviate from the typical or expected foot structure. The variations can be present at birth or develop later in life and range from mild to severe. Abnormal foot anatomy can lead to functional problems, discomfort, and an increased risk of foot-related issues.

Everyone’s feet are unique, and what works for one person may not be suitable for another. Prioritize comfort and proper fit when choosing shoes to ensure the structural foot variations remain free from pain or pressure.

Having a second toe longer than the big toe is a common variation in human foot anatomy. It is called “Morton’s toe” or “Greek foot.” In a typical foot, the big toe (also known as the hallux) is the longest, but in individuals with Morton’s toe, the second toe extends beyond the length of the big toe.

Morton’s toe is usually not a cause for concern and is considered a normal anatomical variation. It does not typically lead to any toe problems or discomfort. However, in some cases, it can contribute to foot problems like calluses or bunions, but these issues are not caused by having a longer second toe.

Choosing the right shoes for a long second toe can prevent discomfort and ensure proper foot support. Here are tips on selecting footwear:

  1. Toe Box Space: Look for shoes with a roomy toe box that allows your longer second toe to rest comfortably without being cramped or squished against the front of the shoe. Avoid shoes with narrow or pointed-toe boxes.
  2. Length: Ensure there is sufficient length in the shoe to accommodate the longer second toe without it hitting the front. Your longest toe should have a little space (about a half-inch or a thumb’s width) between it and the front of the shoe.
  3. Arch Support: Choose shoes with adequate arch support to help distribute weight evenly across your feet. This can reduce pressure on the longer toe and improve overall comfort.
  4. Cushioning: Look for shoes with good cushioning in the insole to provide shock absorption and reduce the risk of discomfort or pain while walking or standing.
  5. Adjustable Straps or Laces: Shoes with adjustable straps or laces allow you to customize the fit, which helps accommodate the unique shape of your feet.
  6. Avoid High Heels: High-heeled shoes can put additional pressure on the front of your feet and may not be the most comfortable option if you have a long second toe. Opt for shoes with lower heels or flats for better comfort and stability.
  7. Wide-Width Options: If you have a wider forefoot because of your longer second toe, consider looking for shoes available in wide-width options to ensure a better fit.
  8. Always try shoes on before purchasing them, and walk around to assess their comfort and fit. Pay attention to how your toes feel while walking, and make sure there is no excessive pressure on the second toe.

For any concerns about your foot anatomy, book an appointment with our Houston foot doctor at DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center for guidance on how to manage any foot-related issues and advice on proper footwear and foot care and may even suggest custom orthotics.


Cozy Secret of Ugg Slippers on Your Feet!

Ugg slip-on slippers are known for their soft and comfortable materials, often featuring a sheepskin lining and suede or leather exterior. They come in various Ugg slipper styles and colors and are designed for indoor use, providing warmth and comfort for your feet.Ugg slippers can be comfortable and warm indoor footwear, but they may not offer the level of support and durability as other types of shoes. Choose the right footwear size, maintain foot hygiene, and consider your foot needs when wearing them.

  1. Ugg slippers are loved for their comfort due to their soft, plush materials like sheepskin and memory foam insoles. They provide a cozy and warm environment for your feet, which can be enjoyable in cold weather.
  2. They are known for their warmth and keep your feet toasty in chilly indoor environments. The sheepskin lining is insulating and helps maintain a comfortable temperature for your feet.
  3. They may not offer the same level of arch support or cushioning as other types of footwear. If you have foot conditions or require orthopedic support, these slippers may not be the best choice.
  4. Proper fit is crucial for foot health. Ugg slippers come in various sizes and styles, so choose the right size to ensure a comfortable fit. If they are too tight or too loose, they lead to discomfort or foot problems.
  5. The durability of Ugg slippers varies depending on the model and how you use them. They are designed for indoor use, using them outdoors can cause premature wear and tear.
  6. If your feet tend to sweat, the plush lining of Ugg slippers traps moisture, potentially leading to odors or skin irritation. Wear them with moisture-wicking socks and allow your slippers to air out to prevent this.
  7. Ugg slippers are seen as a fashion statement, and some people wear them as casual, stylish footwear. However, they may not be appropriate for all settings or outfits.

Consider the disadvantages and choose footwear that best suits your needs and activities. If you have particular foot concerns or conditions, consult with a podiatristat DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center for personalized recommendations on the most suitable footwear for you.

Are Ugg slippers comfortable for long-term wear on feet?Disadvantages of Ugg slippers:

  • Lack of Arch Support: Ugg slippers lack adequate arch support, which leads to discomfort and potential foot issues, especially if you have flat feet or other arch-related problems.
  • Limited Shock Absorption: They may not provide sufficient shock absorption, making them less suitable forwalking or standing on hard surfacesforlong. The lack of cushioning can lead to foot fatigue and pain.
  • Moisture Retention: The plush, insulating materials used in Ugg slippers trap moisture and heat, which may result in sweaty or damp feet. Prolonged exposure increases the risk of fungal infections like athlete’s foot.
  • Not Suitable for Outdoor Use:They are designed primarily for indoor use. If worn outside or in wet conditions, they damage, and the moisture negatively affects the shoes and your feet.
  • Potential for Blisters: The seam placement or stitching in Ugg slipper models may cause friction or pressure points, leading to blisters or discomfort.

Toe Stretches to Alleviate Tight Shoe Squeeze Discomfort

Stretching your toes improves flexibility, relieves tension, and promotes overall foot health and toe flexibility.The frequency of the toe stretching exercises varies depending on individual needs, comfort level, and foot conditions you may have. Incorporate a toe stretching routine several times a week for optimal benefits. Consistency is key to improving flexibility and reaping the rewards of toe stretching.

Start by performing toe stretches for a few minutes daily and gradually increase the duration as your comfort and flexibility improve. When stretching,listen to your body and do not push yourself hard, especially if you experience pain or discomfort during or after the stretches. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance, particularly if you have pre-existing foot conditions or concerns, and before starting a new stretching routine. Get tailored recommendations based on your specific circumstances.

Stretching your toes offers several benefits:

  1. Toe stretching exercises can increase flexibility and range of motion in your toes and foot joints. It is beneficial for tight or stiff toes due to wearing tight shoes, standing for long periods, or activities that put stress on your feet.
  2. Stretching your toes alleviates tension and discomfort in the feet. It can be useful for individuals who spend a significant amount of time on their feet or suffer from conditions like plantar fasciitis, bunions, or hammertoes.
  3. Regular toe stretching contributes to overall foot health. It improves circulation, reduces the risk of foot-related problems, and promotes proper alignment and balance.
  4. Toe stretching exercises prevent injuries in the feet and lower limbs. Improved flexibility reduces the strain on tendons, ligaments, and muscles, making you less susceptible to strains, sprains, and other foot-related injuries.
  5. If you engage in footwork, such as dancing, martial arts, or sports like soccer or basketball, toe stretching can improve your performance. It allows for better control and movement of the feet, facilitating agility and balance.
  6. Stretching has a relaxing effect when combined with deep breathing and mindfulness. It releases tension and promotes relaxation, making it a beneficial practice for stress relief.

At DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center located in Houston, Texas, Ejodamen Shobowale, DPM and her caring staff strive to provide the best comprehensive care for all podiatry Houston and sports medicine-related issues.

Here are a few toe-stretching exercises you can try:

  • Toe Extension: Sit in a chair and have your feet flat on the floor. Lift your toes while keeping your heels on the ground, and spread them apart. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  • Toe Curls: Sit in a chair and place a small towel or cloth on the floor in front of you. Use your toes to grasp the towel and curl them inward, pulling the towel toward you. Hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times.
  • Toe Abduction/Adduction: Sit in a chair and place your feet flat on the floor. With your heels on the ground, spread your toes apart as wide as possible, then squeeze them together. Repeat this movement 10-15 times.
  • Toe Raises: Stand up straight and place your hands on a wall or sturdy surface for balance. Lift your toes off the ground while keeping your heels planted. Hold for a few seconds, then lower your toes back down. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.
  • Toe Flexion: Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Use your hands to gently pull your big toe back toward you, while keeping the other toes straight. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then release. Repeat on the other foot.

Is Toenail Damage from Nail Polish?

Wow! One mark of a great pedicure is a beautiful shade of nail polish. During this season,there are events and parties to attend;you might find yourself adding another coat of nail polish rather than having a new application. However, what happens when you notice ugly nails after removing polish and the beauty changesinto a health concern? A podiatrist advises that the toenails need a break from polish. Leave polish for a few weeks and go without for some weeks. Toenails seem hard but not impermeable, they soak up substances applied on the surface. The pigment in the nail polish soaks into the layers of the toenails. Additionally, when dark-shaded nail polish is worn for a long period,it does not allow the toenail to breathe. It traps moisture on the toenail before the painting creating a favorable environment for fungus to grow. Later, the toenails are vulnerable to mildew, fungus, mold, yeast, and bacteria that can develop underneath the nail plate. Keeping the toenails clean from polish allows them to breathe for healthy growth. Book an appointment on how to treat dehydrated toenails and how to treat the white spots on nails from polish.

How to treat the white spots on nails from polish?

Have you wondered why your toenails appear stained and how to treat the white spots on nails from polish?First, acknowledge that you have stained toenails and they need nursing back to health. That is a sign that the toenails are permeable and the same permeability used to damage is used to treat. You can apply coconut oil or vitamin E to the nail bed, nail, and try getting it underneath where the nail meets the skin. These should be applied when the toenails are clear of nail polish. If the nails do not start looking healthier, file them down before application. Once you notice your toenails stained from polish the stain fades overtime and grows out. The toenails grow slower than the fingernails but you want to wait for the toenails to grow out and do not use nail polish during this time.

Some nail polishes have anti-fungal properties and are a line of defense to prevent toenail infections.

Problems caused by nail polish

Discoloration: After taking off the polish and you notice your toenails are yellowish or discolored. It means your toenails need a rest from painting and the discoloration goes away.

Keratin granulation: It is a common condition whereby you find part of the nail white and dry underneath. It is caused by wearing the toenail polish for a long period and they heal with time and after allowing the toenails to breathe.

Acetone overuse: It causes the toenails to dry out, peel, or crack. It leaves the toenails weak and vulnerable to infections. It is to discourage you from putting on another layer of polish just because you had an event to attend and you did not have enough time for proper removal and nail polish application. The thicker the nail polish the more acetone is needed to remove them. Remove the polish and wait for the toenails to heal before applying again.


Why Do I Have Tingling Heels?

Tingling in feet is one of the sensations that occur and you cannot ignore it. It can occur alone or be accompanied by pain or numbness. Tingling is experienced when there is an abnormal firing of the nerves in the feet. Sometimes, tingling is only felt in the feet depending on the conditions involved. There are various reasons cause tingling heels and diagnosing the cause determines the treatment of the root issue.  Leaving tingling heels untreated may lead to foot numbness in heel that may be not reversible depending on the root cause.

Causes of tingling in the heel

  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

It is a condition in which the posterior tibial nerve is compressed. The tarsal tunnel is found in the ankle and it is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome. The condition causes tingling, numb heel, and burning inside the ankle to the bottom of the foot and toes. The podiatrist might recommend conservative treatment methods such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, kinesiology tape, ointment, and orthotic shoes. When the conservative methods do not work surgery is considered.

  • Spinal Cord Compression

The condition can happen when the spinal cord is compressed and pressure is put in on the lumbar spine and cervical. It can occur due to an injury or disease. Spinal cord compression causes the heel to tingle and a specialist makesa diagnosis through an EMG or MRI.

  • Nerve Root compression

Nerve root compression is caused by any disease involving the lumbar spine nerve root that irritates or compresses it.The condition is lumbar radiculopathy

  • Peripheral Neuropathy

This condition affects the peripheral nerves located in the spine and brain. Neuropathy is common because it damages one or more nerves. The feet are affected causing cramping, numbness, and burning of the feet. The nerve damage can occur to the feet and hands causing them to get the symptoms of the condition. A podiatrist determines the cause of tingling heels and the condition is healed by treating the root cause of the peripheral neuropathy. Numb heel and tingling in feet issues can be very uncomfortable to live with. If you are experiencing pain in your foot or ankle, contact the podiatrist at DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center. Our doctor provides the care you need to keep you on your feet.

When to visit a podiatrist

The only time tingling heels should not get you to your podiatrist is when it is experienced occasionally due to lack of movement, wearing tight shoes, and laying on your foot for a long time. If you experience tingling that does not stop after movement, a massage, or when it happens consistently see your podiatrist. When your foot falls asleep you might experience tingling or paresthesia that resolves when you stop putting pressure on the nerve or when you change positions and pressure is noton the nerve. Any sensations to the feet and heel that take more than a week to go away should be checked out.        


Ease Foot Painwith Orthotics

An orthoticor foot insert is a device placed directly into the shoes to correct discomfort or dysfunction in the feet and ankles. The orthotics are made of materials that balance the structure of the foot. Foot orthotics reduce foot pain caused by various conditions such as diabetes, bunions, arthritis, flat feet, and plantar fasciitis. The plantar fasciitis insoles are foot devices that offset stress levels as pressure allows the feet to function correctly.

Prescribed orthotics

They are custom-made orthotics prescribed by a podiatrist when under treatment for any conditions that cause foot pain or severe foot concerns. The orthotics are high-quality inserts designed to treat problems such as severe heel pain, abnormal motion, and plantar fasciitis. Patients suffering from diabetes or painful calluses have orthotics molded individually to provide comfort and support.

Over-the-counter orthotics

These are used to treat heel pain, foot pain, and other minor problems. They offer arch support to correct flat feet or over arches. The gel insoles provide relief or comfort to alleviate pressure from the foot and heel.

Types of orthotics

Functional or rigid orthotics: these are made from carbon fiber or plastic. They are made especially walking shoes with closed toes and low heels. They are designed to ease pain in the legs, lower back, thighs, foot aches, and strains.

Accommodative orthotics or soft orthotics: Made of soft compression materials to provide cushioning. They are usually used to take care of sore spots or uncomfortable feet for patients with diabetic foot ulcers or plantar fasciitis. You might have to wear soft orthotics with prescribed footwear.

How to use orthotics?

Whatever orthotics you have should fit the contours of your shoe and are comfortable. Do not carry orthotics that rub your feet because it will not get better at home. Prescribed orthotics fit well because they have been molded to the contours of your feet. Orthotics are more medically involved than using inserts. Orthotics are made of quality materials that can last several years with proper care.

Wear the orthotics in the shoes and cushion and fit them correctly. If you are looking for some expert advice on shoe orthotics, you may want to seek help from a podiatrist. Feel free to contact our office to make an appointment with our Houston podiatrist. Our foot and ankle specialist, Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale can provide you with the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet Add this sentence to end the article: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Cypress, TX. Our Cypress office can handle all of your foot and ankle issues. We will provide you with the latest diagnostic and treatment methods for all orthotics-related issues.

Benefits of custom orthotics

  1. Improve balance to allow the feet to maintain functionally, support the correct position of the foot, and offer arch support.
  2. Custom orthotics provide superior comfort when standing, running, or walking.
  3. Enhance athletic performance to lower the risk of injury.
  4. Assist in easing pain in the foot, lower back, ankle, and leg.
  5. Absorb shock and redirect pressure away from the painful part of the foot and ankle.

Welcome to Our Foot Doctor Houston

“Give your feet a little love, they deserve it”. We are at the top of treating foot and heel pain by offering comprehensive treatment plans and options. We work as a team to treat conditions and we listen and respond to each patient’s concerns. We provide information on podiatric problems and treatments for our patients so that they make better decisions about their foot health and well-being. Visit podiatrists in Houston for diagnosis and treatments that involve lower limb, ankle, and foot problems. Foot doctors undergo extensive training and education programs before they can start treating people. The training concentrates on the human anatomy and physiology of the lower limbs especially the feet. Also, during training, the foot doctors go through residency where they get hands-on experience and after completing the training they take a few board certification exams.

If you experience numbness, pain, or swelling in your feet, it is best to make an appointment with a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis. Some range of conditions that a podiatrist can diagnose include

  1. Foot injuries including strains, fractured bones, sprains, or broken bones.
  2. Inflammation and foot pain especially due to rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, or gout.
  3. Foot skin conditions such as plantar dermatosis, athletes’ foot, warts, and corns.
  4. Diabetic foot disorders such as neuropathy, infections, nerve damage, or chronic ulcers.
  5. Nail conditions such as nail infections and ingrown toenails.
  6. Structural foot abnormalities such as high arches, hammertoes, and flat feet.
  7. Heel pain from plantar fasciitis.


This begins with reviewing your medical history and current foot symptoms. Then a physical exam is conducted checking for skin discoloration, swelling, and any walking or standing abnormalities by asking the patient to walk around in different directions. The initial physical exam gives the podiatrist a go-ahead to recommend additional tests before coming up with a final diagnosis. The additional tests include

  • Blood tests are used to detect infections, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory.
  • Imaging tests to reveal structural problems such as bone fractures, narrow or blocked blood vessels. The tests include a bone scan, X-ray, MRI scan, and CT scan.
  • Quantitative sensory testing is used to record the reactions of the nerves to vibration and temperature. This is used for diabetic neuropathy diagnosis, hypersensitivity, and nerve disorders of the foot.
  • Electromyography to measure the muscle’s response to nerve impulses. The test involves the insertion of one or more thin needles into the muscle to measure the muscle tissue activity. If the results reveal an abnormal problem the podiatrist will guide your treatment.


After the diagnosis podiatrists Houston recommend a treatment. Depending on the severity and type of condition there might be a reason for the podiatrist to work with other specialists to come up with a treatment plan. Treatments include

  • Setting fractured bones
  • Joint injections
  • Prescription medications such as antifungals, pain relievers, or antibiotics.
  • Corrective footwear.
  • Orthotic devices such as braces and insoles.
  • Joint aspiration

A foot doctor in Houston can use surgical procedures to remove bunions, debridement of the dead, damaged, or infected tissue. Correct structural abnormalities and removal of bunions, tumors, and bone spurs.


Finest Sports Injury Treatment in Houston

Active participation in sports is a great way to engage your day and maintaining lifestyle goals. But did you know that sport’s injury is pretty common and can hamper your standard of participation and involvement? For players and individuals exercising and playing regularly, taking good care of your feet is crucial for maintaining proper body posture. A slight fall can be injurious and can dictate bed-rest for quite some time.

Hence, to make sure that all kinds of injuries from sports activities are quickly healed, sports injury treatment Houston is the best place to receive advice. Doctors and surgeons can immediately look at your condition, to provide the required medications.

What are the types and causes of sports injuries?

From moderate to severe ones, a sports injury can trigger immense physical and mental damage. Experience and amateur players can suffer huge losses, once they are exposed to any sort of sports injury. Some of the common conditions that athletes may go through are as follows:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Ingrown toenail
  • Ankle twist and sprain
  • Heal injury
  • Shoe cut
  • Bunions
  • Achilles tendonitis

These conditions, if not given proper treatment, can totally worsen. Hence, recommendations on treatment from the best doctors can actually help you a long way, to deal with these issues.

Common side-effects that one may notice from sports injury:

For any kind of sports injury, both small and big, need appropriate treatment. Emphasizing on the core areas of injury, some of the common side-effects of neglecting your sports injury, are as follows:

  • Sudden tenderness of the feet.
  • Increased swollenness of surrounding muscles and tissues.
  • Inability to run or walk anymore
  • Constant Headache, leading to nervous system problems.
  • Ligament tear
  • ●       Breaking toe bones
  • Formation of red spots, leading to an infection
  • Weakness experienced in the lower half of the body
  • Posture alignment issues

Hence, in order to stay out of all these conditions, it is better to talk to your podiatrist regarding possible solutions. Advice on the injury can help you get back on your feet within no time.

Why you should not be avoiding sports injury?

A sports injury can be extremely hazardous. This is stated on the basis of conditions that the doctors have treated. If symptoms seem to persist for more than three days, direct advice from doctors is prescribed. For conditions like swollen feet, where medication, along with therapy, is required, the doctor keeps the patient in check for 24 hours. Even after proper check-up has been done, the patient needs to be monitored well. For this, special therapy sessions are arranged, so that the current pain situation starts to subside. Hence, it is better to act fast than to stay with the injury and aggravate it!

How and when should one start consulting doctors?

With access to several online facilities, individuals with sports injuries can talk to the doctor through the online mode. For regular checkups regarding your feet, taking a visit to the clinic is always possible. For injuries that have not improved over some time require special attention. In this case, podiatrist surgeons come to your rescue. They ensure that your feet receive just the right treatment for discomfort and pain.

If you want to escape longer queues for consultations, then avail the opportunity and embrace online meeting sessions. Here, you can either type your query, of the sports injury or even talk face to face with the doctor. For individuals requesting consultations online for the very first time gets their free session. The doctor even gives you a prescription for the issue, which you can download as well.