
Sports Injury Treatment Houston

Whether you strained a muscle or twisted an ankle, the best line of care is to stop the activity immediately. It does not matter whether you were almost done or just starting, continued activity will worsen the injury and increase the recovery time. Injuries that need medical attention from our Houston Sports Medicine Clinic immediately include severe bleeding, significant swelling, pain, and obvious deformity to the bones or joints. However, this does not mean you ignore minor injuries such as sprains, muscle pulls, and strains because they can turn out to be severe fractures or tendon tears. It has been observed that most young athletes suffer from bone injuries especially the growth plates and older athletes are most likely to suffer from joint and ligament injuries. It is advisable to seek Houston sports injury treatment in cases of injury. Sports injury treatment Cypress depends on the severity and the part of the foot injured.

Here is some general Sports Injury Treatment Houston that is helpful

PRICE therapy – Most sports injuries can initially be treated at home using this therapy for two days. First, protect the affected area or foot by using support when standing or moving around to ensure the injury is protected from further injury.  Secondly, rest and reduce physical activity that involves putting weight on the injured foot. Thirdly, apply ice to the injury every three hours. Wrap the bag of ice with a towel to protect the skin from ice burn. Fourth, compress using elastic compression bandages to limit swelling. Lastly, elevate the foot above the heart level to reduce swelling.

Pain relief – Use over-the-counter or prescribed pain medications to ease pain and reduce swelling.

Immobilization –It helps prevent further damage by reducing movement, muscle swelling and spasms, and pain. The podiatrist determines how long immobilization will last because for sprains you need to gently keep try moving the affected joint during the recovery period.

Physiotherapy – It helps people recover from long-term injuries. In this treatment techniques such as manipulation, massage and exercises are used to strengthen muscles, improve range of motion, and help the foot return to normal function. The treatment involves a physiotherapist who develops a custom exercise program that will strengthen the foot and reduce the chances of the injury recurring. Corticosteroid injections – Used in cases of severe or persistent inflammation to relieve pain and inflammation. Up to three injections can be administered in a year.

Surgery – Most sports injuries do not require surgery but severe injuries that involve broken bones and misalignments require corrective surgery. Surgery means manipulation or fixing the bones with screws, wires, and rods. Some realignments can be done without surgery.

Depending on the injury the recovery time differs. It is not advisable to immediately return to the previous level of activity until you are fully recovered. It means you should gradually start moving the injured foot to improve the range of movement and decrease pain. do not move quickly just slowly with frequent repetitions.